Posts tagged Fire Blight
Happy Mothers Day!

Back in the day I remember that our church youth group had a tradition of passing out carnations on Mother’s Day. I had to check my favorite internet resources to refresh my memory on why that was a thing. History lesson for today: Mother’s Day was started by Anna Reeves Jarvis in West Virginia before the Civil War as a club to teach moms how to care for their children.

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Looking For Some Sun

It is Tuesday, and as I sit down to write today I am checking the weather forecast and it looks like it will be beautiful for Mother’s Day. This cool, wet weather that has been with us has delayed many of our trees and shrubs as they leaf out for the season. That is a good thing as we are still having some areas reporting frost. You have heard me say that I grew up on a dry land wheat and alfalfa ranch north of Reed Point. My father continually lamented the drought and drilled into us that we need to be thankful for every drop we get.

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